WEBINAR: 2023 State of Play Assessment on Statelessness in Europe

23 бер 2023 / Albania / Austria / Belgium / Bulgaria / Council of Europe / Croatia / Cyprus / Czechia / European Union / France / Germany / Global / Greece / Hungary / International and Regional Instruments / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Malta / Moldova / Montenegro / Netherlands / North Macedonia / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Serbia / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Ukraine / United Kingdom



  • Patricia Cabral – Legal Policy Coordinator, European Network on Statelessness
  • Catherine Cosgrave – Managing Solicitor, Immigrant Council of Ireland - Country Expert on Ireland
  • Denis Neselovskyi – Legal Consultant, Statefree - Country Expert on Germany
  • Valérie Klein – Legal Officer, NANSEN - Country Expert on Belgium
  • Chris Nash – Director, European Network on Statelessness


About the webinar

In 2018 we launched our StatelessnessINDEX to give stakeholders an easy way to understand differences in law and policy, to identify good practices, and areas that need to be improved by countries across Europe. Five years on, the Index holds comparative data and analysis for 30 countries. With over 42,000 users it has become an important tool for raising awareness and focusing advocacy needed to end statelessness and improve the treatment of stateless people.

The webinar will present key new trends and data emerging from 30 countries, including updates from the last two years and three new country profiles on Montenegro, Romania and Sweden. We have seen positive steps towards the implementation of new statelessness determination procedures, but in some countries the protection granted to stateless people has been narrowed.

There has also been no significant improvement in the introduction of safeguards for the prevention and reduction of statelessness, despite some groundbreaking judgments that addressed the child’s right to a nationality. The Index still highlights that much remains to be done to bring law, policy, and practice in line with States’ international obligations.

After the state of play update, a panel of invited country experts will share their reflections on current developments at national level and existing opportunities for States, regional institutions, practitioners, and civil society to work together to ensure stateless people are not left behind in our complex and challenging times.

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